Friday, May 29, 2009

Being Truthful

My friend and I talk about how we are not totally honest. Not that we lie but if you look at my blog it looks like everything is happy as can be. So for right now I am going to tell you I am struggling. I have been on the phone all morning with Fox trying to get everything squared away for Rob. I guess we were wrong to take him to the doctor everyday last weekend. He is a soldier and they need permission. This is insurance not his boss. Then appearantly I am going to have to pay for all of his supplies when he gets home. This makes me mad because his on post doctor can not see him daily to change dressings. They also can not supply the materials needed. Part of me understands this and the other part of me is angry. Maybe because I DO NOT want to be doing his dressing changes myself. I did watch today and I honestly broke down after the nurse left. I have a very strong husband and he would never complain about pain. But man I am sticking stuff in his leg, deep into his leg and it is yucky and what if i do it too hard or do not put enough in it. What if I do not have the supplies I need, what if I do not do it well enough or something is not clean enough. What if I get sick. The what if's are crazy and I need to get over it.
Okay, while I have a few minutes I am going to get off the computer and set here and talk to my husband and be grateful that we have time alone. I wish I would have brought some candles. We could of had a romantic cafeteria meal together. Thank you for all your prayers.


Lori said...

call you know who, she will do it...I am praying for you...and keeep fighting tricare

Bella Stevens said...

Oh my Pam I can't imagine the fear. I would be angry that they aren't taking care of a soldier that honestly could loose his leg if its not cared for correctly. I would go down to Warrior clinic at 6 am, Call Captain Hughes or COL Keegan and have them go raise hell down at Fox. Is it Fox or Tricare giving you trouble? I will say a prayer and if you need anything give me a call and I can try and do what I can which isnt' much.

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