Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thankful Thursdays

I spent allot of time thinking about this post last night, i want to be thankful and i truelly have lots of things to be thankful for
thankful for a God that i can depend on to not give me more than i can handle
thankful that we got to a the surgeon on time
thankful that Rob only needed 2 surgeries
thankful that we have great medical insurance and we will NOT pay one penny
that i have such wonderful friends who have called constantly and offered to help
thankful that my friend who has many blessings of her own and another on the way has kept my girls for two days and been overly sweet to them
thankful that the hospital has let me stay with my husband as much as a i can
thankful that my husband is trusting me enough to take care of the details and not let him do it
thankful that my son has been handling this well and was able to talk to me about some of his fears last night
thank that we have technology like twitter and blogs and internet to get those prayer request out
thankful that we have friends who will send out updates and prayer request
thankful that I KNOW we are here for a reason and while I know it hurts Rob that he is not leaving next week, I am at total peace with it


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