Thursday, January 27, 2011

For the Joy of it

For the Joy of it, I will take a moment to relax; I will enjoy my babies being babies. I will eat a krispy kreme donut from a gas station just because I know it will taste good.
I will spend a few extra seconds thanking God for allowing me to see the pride in my daughter’s eyes as she learns to read.
For the joy of it I will hug my husband for no reason, I will tell my teenager he is loved even if he back talks. I will remind my girls of how beautiful they are.
I will stay up late for no reason. I will sleep in without guilt. I will drink an extra glass of mountain dew because I like the taste.
And I will turn my praise and worship music up load in my car and not worry about who is driving by and might here.
For the Joy of it I will remind you that you still have time to enter my Purex Crystals give away right here.

Good, True & Beautiful


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