Friday, March 25, 2011

15 things about me

1. My name is Pamela, but my daddy wanted my name to be Gypsy. It is hard for me to believe.
2. I am 30 something years old, I love being in my thiries.
3. I have red hair, with lots of gray streaks. Which is totally not fair since my mom and grandmother did not gray hair at my age. It is not fair.
4. I drive a Saturn relay, it is a mini van. I am sure I will drive a mini van for the rest of my life. Because once my children are grown then it will be time for grandchildren.
5. I have four blessings on earth ages 14, 10, 8 and 5. I have one blessing waiting for me in heaven.
6. I lived in 15 houses in about 18 years.
7. I grew up in West Virginia
8. I love to cook and try new recipes but what most people do not know is that I do not eat most of what I cook.
9. I was almost suspended in high school for kissing my boyfriend
10. I was suspended in middle school for wearing a jacket.
11. I love being a mom even on the hard days. Even when I feel like a failure. Even when others tell me I am not doing well.
12. I use to have a problem gaining weight or keeping it on. Now I have a hard time losing weight.
13. I have been blogging for two years; I cannot believe it has been that long.
14. I fell off of every bicycle my mom bought me for years until she bought me a boy’s bike and that solved it. Apparently my knees knocked and they could not do that on a boys bar.
15. One of my favorite bible verses is John 15:13
Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends
16. I am right handed but wear my watch on my right hand which seems weird to most.
17. I love to organize; pulling everything out of a closet and re doing it is amazing to me.
18. I would do about anything to avoid mopping a floor or wiping down walls.
19. I grew up in a southern Baptist church
20. I am watching Precious while I type this. I want to turn it off because of the language but I have heard wonderful things about it.
21. Tomorrow I am going to attempt to make my girls shorts for this summer.
22. I currently attend an Air Force Chapel for church and really enjoy it.
23. I do not go back and check my blog post 90% of the time and it shows. I normally write late at night or in the morning before I have woken up so that makes it worse.
24. I have a cat, dog, 2 guinea pigs and a gerbil. We use to have 2 gerbils but one ate the other ones head off.
25. Normally I can write forever. Especially if it is list but for some reason this list is difficult today.

Is there something you would love to ask me or would like to know about me. I am open for questions.


Christina said...

I liked reading this I think it's really a great way to learn tidbits about other bloggers. I found it amusing your dad wanted to name you Gypsy. I have a 20 year old daughter named Vanessa who I wanted to name Sunshine and call her Sunny. Needless to say everyone talked me out of it.

I drive a mini van and yes I use it for my kids and grandkids so I'm sure you will too.

I love to cook and try new things too. I do eat a lot of what I cook but sometimes I cook something, take one look at it, and can't even stand the thought of putting it in my mouth, so I don't. I have no idea why this happens. So I kind of understand what your saying, just a little bit.

Good luck with making shorts. I am not too good with the sewing machine although my mom and sister never had this problem.

We used to move a lot and then got stabilized in Hawaii so we were there for 8 1/2 years and plan on going back for good. We were blessed that most of our kids went through school in the same area. I still think it's fun to move around though. I am going to be moving into a renovated house here soon, but that's just around the corner.

Megan said...

Thanks for sharing your link on my blog! Your favorite verse is a verse my husband loves!

That is many moves! Did you move a lot as a kid or just as a military spouse?

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