Friday, November 25, 2011

5 Question Friday

1. Is there a special dish you prepare that you are famous for?
No, not really. It use to be cinnamon rolls but I do not even do that much now.
2. Are you (did you) go Black Friday shopping? I use to be but maybe I am getting too old. This year we are done shopping, as in D-O-N-E. Done and now can relax! My mom is one of those people who had to be at work at 6pm and work until 6am this morning. She was guarding something in a store until midnight. I hope everyone was nice to her.

3. What are your strangest holiday traditions? This is something we are working on, we do not have traditions and that kind of makes me sad.

4. Pecan or pumpkin pie? (She actually asked "Apple or pumpkin?" I just T-giving'ed it!) Pumpkin or peanut butter is my favorite. Would you believe I did NOT have pumpkin pie yesterday? I will correct that today.

5. When will you put up your Christmas tree? Probably Sunday, I know it is killing my husband to not have it up now. But with a new baby in the house and a new puppy, I think we should wait until 11:50 on Christmas Eve and take it down at 12:01 am on Christmas day. I am such a scrooge. Feel very bad for my children, very bad.
Ladies and gentlemen (are there any gentlemen), thank you so much for sticking with my little old blog all year. You comments make me smile and encourage me.
Oh and Mama M, what would I do without my 5 Question Friday, please oh please never let it stop.


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